2023 Worldwide Climate & Justice Teach-In

Join us across campus the week of
March 27th - 31st
for lectures, demonstrations, panel discussions, and happenings!
Check out this awesome content, created by our community, for our community!
Click for a daily list of events:
Monday, March 27
ReStore Challenge!
Visit the ReStore during open hours anytime this week and pick up / select challenge materials.
Follow one or both of these prompts:
Self-Portrait: Create a self-portrait (does not have to be a direct representation of your likeness) using ReStore items. Supplies from the ReStore must be noticeable or integral in some way, but other materials can be used.
Surplus Syringes: The ReStore received a large donation of plastic syringes. Use one / a few of them to inspire an artwork – think creatively in terms of form or function, or alter them beyond recognition!
Work must be made during the week of the Teach-In (March 27 – 31). By 11:59pm on Friday, March 31st, post an image on Instagram, tagging @massartrestore, and #ReStoreChallenge.
One winner from each prompt will be chosen via Instagram poll (April 1 – 2), and winners will receive a prize item from the ReStore raffle/proposal cabinet!
Monday ReStore hours: 9am – 4pm
A moderated panel conversation centered around sourcing and reclaiming materials, imagining new futures for discarded items, and centering preservation and respect and responsibility for the natural world in our art practices.
Banana Room (2nd floor Tower)
Schuyler Dawson, Staff, President’s office; Luanne Witkowski, Studio Manager / Faculty; and students: Heily Rivas, Fashion Design; Dylan Reid, FA3D/Sculpture; Josie Scarponi, Architecture/Sustainability Minor; Lucas Mitton, SIM/Sustainability Minor
Join Jody Burr and the Objects that Change Lives class as they set up a week-long installation. The course focuses on clay-based objects such as low-cost ceramic water filters, electricity-free refrigeration, and rocket stoves. Students will be available during this time to discuss their research and process.
Curricular X (end of North hallway, across from N273)
Extinction Rebellion representative will come talk about the climate crisis and its impacts, as well the importance of non-violent direct action in changemaking, historically and today.
DMC Lecture Hall
Questions? Contact: Stephanie Cardon sacardon@massart.edu
Tuesday, March 28
ReStore Challenge!
Visit the ReStore during open hours anytime this week and pick up / select challenge materials.
Follow one or both of these prompts:
Self-Portrait: Create a self-portrait (does not have to be a direct representation of your likeness) using ReStore items. Supplies from the ReStore must be noticeable or integral in some way, but other materials can be used.
Surplus Syringes: The ReStore received a large donation of plastic syringes. Use one / a few of them to inspire an artwork – think creatively in terms of form or function, or alter them beyond recognition!
Work must be made during the week of the Teach-In (March 27 – 31). By 11:59pm on Friday, March 31st, post an image on Instagram, tagging @massartrestore, and #ReStoreChallenge.
One winner from each prompt will be chosen via Instagram poll (April 1 – 2), and winners will receive a prize item from the ReStore raffle/proposal cabinet!
Tuesday ReStore hours: 9am – 6pm
Make an upcycled bookmark at the library using the Book Beetle Press.
Library (12th floor Tower)
Give your well-worn clothing some love!
Bring in items with minor holes and tears, and FA2D / Painting student Tina Rea will demonstrate simple darning and mending techniques.
Library (room A) 13th floor Tower
In the spirit of reuse & repair during MassArt’s Worldwide Teach-in, jewelry and metalsmithing majors will be available to receive, assess, and repair jewelry from the MassArt community. Come find us in Collins 308 from 2-4pm on Tuesday, March 28th with your broken, damaged, or well-loved jewelry to see what we can do to give these objects a second chance at life!
Collins 308
Emily Cobb, Faculty FA3D / Jewelry and Metalsmithing
Questions? Contact: ecobb@massart.edu
Join Illustration Faculty Edward Monovich for a presentation / demonstration exploring connections through walnut ink.
Bring brushes, paper and a cup for water!
Kennedy 407
Saree is a truly sustainable piece of clothing, which has been worn for hundreds of years. Join Fashion Design student Prachi Mahurkar who will demo different sarees and ways to drape the saree.
Sustainability Studio D110
Artist Barbara Shapiro combines her rich knowledge of historical and ethnic textiles with broad technical experience in weaving and surface design. Her weaving reflects her travels and studies and her work in theater costume design. Barbara’s wall pieces speak of historic textiles of many cultures, burnished with the patina of time and imbued with a personal sense of beauty.
Wednesday, March 29
ReStore Challenge!
Visit the ReStore during open hours anytime this week and pick up / select challenge materials.
Follow one or both of these prompts:
Self-Portrait: Create a self-portrait (does not have to be a direct representation of your likeness) using ReStore items. Supplies from the ReStore must be noticeable or integral in some way, but other materials can be used.
Surplus Syringes: The ReStore received a large donation of plastic syringes. Use one / a few of them to inspire an artwork – think creatively in terms of form or function, or alter them beyond recognition!
Work must be made during the week of the Teach-In (March 27 – 31). By 11:59pm on Friday, March 31st, post an image on Instagram, tagging @massartrestore, and #ReStoreChallenge.
One winner from each prompt will be chosen via Instagram poll (April 1 – 2), and winners will receive a prize item from the ReStore raffle/proposal cabinet!
Wednesday ReStore hours: 9am – 6pm
Please join President Mary K. Grant and Provost Brenda Molife for an open dialogue regarding sustainability at MassArt. Bring your questions and ideas! *
Bring your appetite too…pizza provided!
Kennedy 280
* If you cannot attend, but have a question or thought to share, please email academic.affairs@massart.edu no later than Monday, March 27 at 5pm. Please put “Sustainability Teach-In” in the subject line.
Make an upcycled bookmark at the library using the Book Beetle Press.
Library (12th floor Tower)
Bicycle tune-up clinic led by totally amateur bike mechanic Prof. Joshua Hart. Bring your bike and any spare parts you know you’ll need. We have tools for most minor/moderate repairs.
South 203
Questions? Contact: jhart@massart.edu
Give your well-worn clothing some love!
Bring in items with minor holes and tears, and FA2D / Painting student Tina Rea will demonstrate simple darning and mending techniques.
Library (room A) 13th floor Tower
Pigment workshop: visit the MassArt Resilient Pigment Library and learn about making ink, paints, and stains from natural materials.
Professor Jane Marsching
Outside the Sustainability Studio, D110
The metalshop classes will spend the week making sculpture out of scrap steel (currently piled everywhere and cluttering the shop). Drop in and see what we’re up to!!
Drum’s Design and Construction class
Collins Basement
Worldwide Climate & Justice DIE-in (Disruptive Design Participatory Performance Art)
TIME: Disruptive Design class will be doing a Climate Justice DIE-in happening / performance. This student lead project has been developed over the past few weeks, culminating on Wednesday, March 29. Particpants and passersby are invited to look out for and join the funeral procession that will ambulate throughout MassArt, ending at the DIE-in graveyard site inside and around the Brant Gallery. Dress in black and grab one of the gravestones and show what is at stake if we don’t take immediate action on Climate Justice!
Brant Gallery
Thursday, March 30
ReStore Challenge!
Visit the ReStore during open hours anytime this week and pick up / select challenge materials.
Follow one or both of these prompts:
Self-Portrait: Create a self-portrait (does not have to be a direct representation of your likeness) using ReStore items. Supplies from the ReStore must be noticeable or integral in some way, but other materials can be used.
Surplus Syringes: The ReStore received a large donation of plastic syringes. Use one / a few of them to inspire an artwork – think creatively in terms of form or function, or alter them beyond recognition!
Work must be made during the week of the Teach-In (March 27 – 31). By 11:59pm on Friday, March 31st, post an image on Instagram, tagging @massartrestore, and #ReStoreChallenge.
One winner from each prompt will be chosen via Instagram poll (April 1 – 2), and winners will receive a prize item from the ReStore raffle/proposal cabinet!
Thursday ReStore hours: 9am – 6pm
Presentation by and discussion with sculptor Nancy Selvage, Visiting Artist (FA3D / Ceramics)
What is the carbon footprint of my art materials?
How do I o set impact with carbon credits?
Will my public art enhance a LEED project?
Where do my art materials come from?
How should I wash my paint brushes?
How sustainable is my art practice?
Give your well-worn clothing some love!
Bring in items with minor holes and tears, and FA2D / Painting student Tina Rea will demonstrate simple darning and mending techniques. With help from Josie Natarajan, FA3D/Fibers student.
Library (room A) 13th floor Tower
Laura Gonzalez (student, FA3D / Sculpture and AH) will demo natural, low-tech, and cost-conscious dye processes.
South 202
Make an upcycled bookmark at the library using the Book Beetle Press.
Library (12th floor Tower)
Fashion Certificate student Breana Mutz presents a discussion about industrialized leather production, pollution from plastic alternatives, and a natural approach to keeping our ecosystems healthy.
T641 (6th Floor Tower, Special Machines Room)
Friday, March 31
ReStore Challenge!
Visit the ReStore during open hours anytime this week and pick up / select challenge materials.
Follow one or both of these prompts:
Self-Portrait: Create a self-portrait (does not have to be a direct representation of your likeness) using ReStore items. Supplies from the ReStore must be noticeable or integral in some way, but other materials can be used.
Surplus Syringes: The ReStore received a large donation of plastic syringes. Use one / a few of them to inspire an artwork – think creatively in terms of form or function, or alter them beyond recognition!
Work must be made during the week of the Teach-In (March 27 – 31). By 11:59pm on Friday, March 31st, post an image on Instagram, tagging @massartrestore, and #ReStoreChallenge.
One winner from each prompt will be chosen via Instagram poll (April 1 – 2), and winners will receive a prize item from the ReStore raffle/proposal cabinet!
Friday ReStore hours: 9am – 6pm
Give your well-worn clothing some love!
Bring in items with minor holes and tears, and FA2D / Painting student Tina Rea will demonstrate simple darning and mending techniques. With help from Josie Natarajan, FA3D/Fibers student.
Library (room A) 13th floor Tower
Fashion Design students Shahnoor Shafqat and Heily Rivas discuss the diverse ways in which they implement sustainability into their work.
Sustainability Studio, D110
Lecture with Q&A: Karen Hampton, Faculty, FA3D / Fibers
By using the mangrove as a metaphor for complexity and camouflage, Spell Reel by Portuguese artist Filipa César, is a collaborative reflection on the revolutionary cinema of Guinea-Bissau. Join faculty Erik DeLuca for a screening of this film, followed by discussion and contextualization after viewing.
Kennedy 406
The metalshop classes will spend the week making sculpture out of scrap steel (currently piled everywhere and cluttering the shop). Drop in and see what we’re up to!!
Marjee’s Advanced Metal Project class
Collins Basement
You can view and download the full week calendar here:
For more information please contact:
Marjee Levine: mlevine@massart.edu
Liz Reiser: liz.reiser@massart.edu