The full list of approved COF courses in 2023/24 will be coming soon
Please note that not every one of these courses is offered every year, but this list does give you an idea of courses you can search for on the cross registration website.
General information about COF cross registration can be found here.
To register for COF courses and find out about prerequisites, go here.
Registering for COF courses can be tricky. You cannot do it through Self Service at this time. Go to the Registrar or email the Minor Director Jane D. Marsching to find out how to register.
If you have questions, ask these faculty at each COF school, and also let them know that you are going to register for one of these classes (they are the sustainability faculty advisors at their respective institutions).
Simmons College
Faculty contact:Michael Berger, michael.berger@
See electives offered at Simmons in this pdf: The-Minor-in-Sustainability-Updated-Jul-2016
Faculty Contact: Cynthia Williams,
Taking courses at Wentworth College is a challenge because their semester dates are so different from ours–they start immediately after the New Year, and end in April.
Emmanuel College
Faculty contact: Adam Silver, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science,
BIOL2121 Human Health and the Environment
The course has a lab and a prerequisite of Introductory Biology. It combines ecology elements applied to a human health context so it will appeal to science students interested in environmental science, health sciences and sustainability. For more info, contact: Ana Otero,
PHYS1121 Energy and the environment, Lecture MW 1:25 – 2:40 Lab M 2:50-4:50.
In Energy and the Environment, students study energy use, production, and its effects on the environment. Topics include: energy basics, fossil fuels, alternative energy (solar, wind, biomass, etc.), nuclear energy, acid rain, ozone depletion, climate and global warming. The class will focus on scientific and quantitative issues, however, political and social aspects will also be touched upon. For more info contact: Allan Price,
Mass College of Pharmacy
Faculty contact: Lana Dvorkin,